Doctor Jerry Bergman, author of the book "Jehovah's Witnesses and the problems of
Mental Illness" reveals a study suggesting that the mental illness rate of Jehovah's
Witnesses is appproximately 10-16times higher than the rate for the general
non-Witness population (and that ) about 10 percent of the publishers in the average
congregation are in serious need of professional help, even though many Witnesses
are able to hide this fact quite well. One of our guests will be Lady Zombie (name
unknown) who will tell you of her friend who Jehovah's Witnesses have destroyed
mentally. (Lady Zombie's) story will enrage you and hopefully move you to action
to expose this dangerous and destructive cult. Former Witness Steven Woodard's
story of guilt caused by the Watchtower will bring you to tears.
kool aid man06
JoinedPosts by kool aid man06
July 5 six screens conference call ready to listen to
by kool aid man06 indoctor jerry bergman, author of the book "jehovah's witnesses and the problems of .
mental illness" reveals a study suggesting that the mental illness rate of jehovah's .
witnesses is appproximately 10-16times higher than the rate for the general .
kool aid man06
So.....Are Jehovah's Witnesses A "Cult"?
by minimus inwhen i first joined this board, i felt they had "cultish" aspects but would not go to the point of saying the "c" word.. now, i unequivocally say that jws are a cult!.
what do you think??
kool aid man06
you tube video,jehovah's witnesses are a dangerous and destructive cult ! "">
Jerry Bergman on JWs destroying library books
by Dogpatch inthe number of my books in academic libraries.
i have authored several scholarly books and monographs about the jehovahs witnesses.
my books and articles on the watchtower and related topics are found in hundreds of university, college and other libraries, and have also been translated into 12 languages.
kool aid man06
In Rye New Hampshire there is a wonderful old book store called Drake's Books. It is in an old barn and has been there for many years. The owner's name is Bob. He told us a story about how many years ago, when Bob's father ran the store, One of the top officials from Brooklyn used to come up there every summer and purchase any Watchtower publications that they had. We too have purchased many Watchtower publications for our library. We have one of the largest Watchtower libraries in New England. So many people have destroyed their literature, later to regret it, as having these publications is one of the only ways to prove the ever changing doctrines of the Watchtower Organization.
JW's and psychological problems on the conference call Sat. July 5
by kool aid man06 indoctor jerry bergman, author of the book "jehovah's witnesses and the problems of mental illness" reveals a study suggesting that the mental illness rate of jehovah's witnesses is appproximately 10-16times higher than the rate for the general non-witness population (and that ) about 10 percent of the publishers in the average congregation are in serious need of professional help, even though many witnesses are able to hide this fact quite well...we will be discussing this on the conference call this week saturday july 5 7p.m.est.
one of our guests will be lady zombie (name unknown) who will tell you of her friend who jehovah's witnesss have destroyed mentally.
(lady zombie's) story will enrage you and hopefully move you to action to expose this dangerous and destructive cult.
kool aid man06
This Holiday weekend is a great time to get on the conference call. If you know of anyone who has suffered greatly from their involvement with the Watchtower org., or maybe you yourself have suffered and would like to tell your story, join us tonight .If you want to talk with me first before coming on private mail me. Thanks Rick
JW's and psychological problems on the conference call Sat. July 5
by kool aid man06 indoctor jerry bergman, author of the book "jehovah's witnesses and the problems of mental illness" reveals a study suggesting that the mental illness rate of jehovah's witnesses is appproximately 10-16times higher than the rate for the general non-witness population (and that ) about 10 percent of the publishers in the average congregation are in serious need of professional help, even though many witnesses are able to hide this fact quite well...we will be discussing this on the conference call this week saturday july 5 7p.m.est.
one of our guests will be lady zombie (name unknown) who will tell you of her friend who jehovah's witnesss have destroyed mentally.
(lady zombie's) story will enrage you and hopefully move you to action to expose this dangerous and destructive cult.
kool aid man06
Many have asked about past recorded calls. Click the link http://.cowww.sixscreensofthewatchtowerm/conferencecall.html If you would like to come on the call and tell your story about how you suffered by being involved with the Witnesses private mail me and we will get you on the call.
JW's and psychological problems on the conference call Sat. July 5
by kool aid man06 indoctor jerry bergman, author of the book "jehovah's witnesses and the problems of mental illness" reveals a study suggesting that the mental illness rate of jehovah's witnesses is appproximately 10-16times higher than the rate for the general non-witness population (and that ) about 10 percent of the publishers in the average congregation are in serious need of professional help, even though many witnesses are able to hide this fact quite well...we will be discussing this on the conference call this week saturday july 5 7p.m.est.
one of our guests will be lady zombie (name unknown) who will tell you of her friend who jehovah's witnesss have destroyed mentally.
(lady zombie's) story will enrage you and hopefully move you to action to expose this dangerous and destructive cult.
kool aid man06
Sociologically Jehovah's Witnesses are a destructive cult whose false teachings frequently result in spiritual and psychological abuse,as well as needless deaths. Involvement with this dangerous group has led many to suicide, and it is amazing how many former Witnesses on our conference call came so close to suicide. Listen in Saturday night and hear real people talking about the horrors they have witnessed in "God's true organization"! -
JW's and psychological problems on the conference call Sat. July 5
by kool aid man06 indoctor jerry bergman, author of the book "jehovah's witnesses and the problems of mental illness" reveals a study suggesting that the mental illness rate of jehovah's witnesses is appproximately 10-16times higher than the rate for the general non-witness population (and that ) about 10 percent of the publishers in the average congregation are in serious need of professional help, even though many witnesses are able to hide this fact quite well...we will be discussing this on the conference call this week saturday july 5 7p.m.est.
one of our guests will be lady zombie (name unknown) who will tell you of her friend who jehovah's witnesss have destroyed mentally.
(lady zombie's) story will enrage you and hopefully move you to action to expose this dangerous and destructive cult.
kool aid man06
Doctor Jerry Bergman, author of the book "Jehovah's Witnesses and the problems of Mental Illness" reveals a study suggesting that the mental illness rate of Jehovah's Witnesses is appproximately 10-16times higher than the rate for the general non-Witness population (and that ) about 10 percent of the publishers in the average congregation are in serious need of professional help, even though many Witnesses are able to hide this fact quite well...We will be discussing this on the conference call this week Saturday July 5 7p.m.EST. One of our guests will be Lady Zombie (Name unknown) who will tell you of her friend who Jehovah's Witnesss have destroyed mentally. (Lady Zombie's) story will enrage you and hopefully move you to action to expose this dangerous and destructive cult. If you know someone or perhaps yourself have suffered psychological damage caused by the Watchtower org. please private mail me and we will get you on the call. To get on the conference calll. dial (712)432-8710 then use pin number 9925. The call is free, only your normal calling rate applies..
Hey, have any apostates done this?
by Lady Zombie ini'm almost positive that someone(s) have done this, but since jws like to leave tracts in doors, waiting room tables, as tips .
man, i'd sure like to leave those kind of tracts all over the place!.
kool aid man06
The website has a free downloadable brochure entitled Jehovah's Witnesses are a dangerous and destructive cult. If you would like to see a video of what is in this brochure go to home page and click on screen 4 and scroll to destructive cult video or just e-mail [email protected] and ask for free brochure.
The year the end finally came: the YEAR OF THE BIG LIE
by Terry inyou have to understand three things to comprehend the significance of 1975.. 1975 was the end of the watchtower society as we who lived in the 50's and 60's once knew it.
it would forever change because it was exposed for all the world to see as a group of liars and deceived dupes.. it all began with a baptist farmer named william miller who sat down with only his bible and a concordance and a crackpot idea that a .
a "day for a year" and the gentile times meant something profound which would effect his own day and time.
kool aid man06
Excellent read! Your explanation of what happened regarding 1975 is so well written and true.
Saturday's Conference Call
by worf indid anyone hear this past saturday's conference call with rick?.
one of his guests brought out how back in 1989 the wt was considering whether or not they should disfellowship those in the congregations who were overweight!
their rationale for this was that since smoking was already a disfellowshipping offense and since smoking is bad for your health, being overweight is also bad for your health, therefore should it be made into a disfellowshipping offense.
kool aid man06
The conference call will be ready to listen to by thursday june 26 .This call got a lot of callers and I thank all that called in.